Saturday, April 23, 2011
Pillars of Faith
I have been studying the structure of religions and have noticed similarities In many religions that can be though of like a corporate pillar system. If you break some religions down into their main components you'll find that their comprised of two main parts. The Cover or top central component, which tends to consists of the texts and dogmas (whether they be written or spoken) that distinguish one set of "divine" ideologies from another. This Section is placed at the top to give cover or misdirect the real motives of the religion.
Below that are the Pillars of Faith. The pillars can be broken down into three layers. The first layer usually contains the leaders of the organizations. Theses are the Popes, Divine chosen ones, Dali lamas, Prophets, etc. Often times the leader is nothing more and a well choreographed pawn or mascot put in place to give the followers something to believe in. They are often not the ones who will dictate how the text should be interpreted and passed down. Under that pillar rests the real players in the religion, I like to refer to them as the "Pushers". They are the priests, shamans, witchdoctors, televangelists, clergy, reverends, etc.; who will often claim they are the ones doing gods work here on earth. The Pushers consist of strategically placed members used to perform elaborate illusions of deception and misguidance to sell their products. They disguise and repackage all the inaccuracies, contradictions and logical fallacies to push their vial, infectious ideologies upon their unsuspecting victims (the indoctrinated or to be indoctrinated). The Pushers are the fake, greedy, power-hungry, corrupt salesmen selling shit philosophies and dogmas like they were "Shit mortgage-backed securities".
This brings us to the final pillar of this elaborate ponzi scheme, the Victims. This pillar which supports all other pillars and the main body of the religion and which is entirely dependent upon it's faithfully misinformed Victims. I choose not to call them followers or believers because in reality that's not what they are, they are victims. They are victims of this trickle-down distorted deception of reality; put in place by the pusher and leaders of theses despicable organizations. The victims usually don't realize what is or has happened because they were either indoctrination or misinformed by the pushers. They have had the wool pulled over their eyes. Constantly reaffirming lies thought apologetic s and reinterpretations of scriptures keep theses dogmas alive. They victims have been duped, scammed and convinced that what they believe is the truth. It is hard to convince the victims of an elaborate hoaxes that they were lied to and led to believe fallacious things as it goes against their own internal self assurance of what they know to be true.
Fortunately there is a flaw in religion and it's an essential component to taking down this card tower of lies. If you can convince enough victims to leave the pushers and their religious dogma the pillars will crumble under their weight. Without enough victims the pushers will have no one to buy their lies and support the pillars above. Unfortunately not all the victims can be rehabilitated or convinced to see the "Light", again. No new victims means no more power of authority and without that ability to manipulate their victims they are useless in maintaining the structure they so desperately need.. After this point the religion is destined to go the way all other ancient religions have, into the history books. How this is accomplished is up to greater minds than I.
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