Friday, November 5, 2010

My guide to understanding Atheists and Atheism Part 4

               Why Atheists organize
-Even though Atheists are the second largest group, we are still a minority in the U.S. and other parts of the world. The U.S. is made up of 18-20% of non-believers and growing. 
-To take a stand against oppression and bigotry by religious fundamentalists and apologists who force their views on us.
-We organize to allow our voices to be heard by our government and state representatives.
-To help reinforce the separation of church and state mandated by the federal Constitution of the United States.
-We like to get together and do things with other like-minded individuals, even if we only have a single thing in common (like Atheism). 
-To help make other Atheists feel comfortable with the assurance that they are not alone in the choosing to reject Religion and/or god/s. 
-To help support and rehabilitate those damaged by religious atrocities. 
-To express their feelings of outrage, hope, love, humor, interests, etc. 
-To help others in need.
-To help create a better world through altruistic means by the formation of secular charities with no ulterior motives or obligations. 
-To promote the advancement of scientific discoveries though logic and reason.

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